
Contact Info

Jl.Wahid Khasim No.84, Limo, Depok

+62 89516447771

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Discover PT. SCP Data Solusi

Penyedia layanan Cloud Server, dan Datacenter di Indonesia. Shezacloud berfokus pada kualitas layanan dan optimalisasi berkelanjutan. Kami akan terus memberikan layanan yang terbaik untuk semua pelanggan kami. Sampai saat ini telah melayani ratusan ribu pelanggan dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri .

Shezacloud Best Award

Our managed hosting guarantees unmatched performance, reliability and choice
with 24/7 support that acts


Ensuring maximum security for a cloud server involves a comprehensive approach to protect your data, applications, and infrastructure from various threats.

100% Moneyback

Achieving maximum performance for a cloud server involves optimizing various aspects of its configuration, management, and usage.


Achieving maximum performance for a cloud server involves optimizing various aspects of its configuration, management, and usage.

Data Transfer

By leveraging these services and strategies, you can maximize data transfer performance with your chosen cloud service provider and ensure efficient handling of large volumes of data.


The Latest Cloud
Server Service

Install your Digital Bussines Easy with Shezacloud

Colocation Server Indonesia

Layanan Colocation server terbaik dan murah Indonesia dari AntmediaHost dengan pilihan 3 lokasi datacenter

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Dedicated Server

Sewa Dedicated Server performa maksimal solusi Dedicated Server Indonesia untuk bisnis Anda.

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RDP Server Windows

WordPress has grown to become the most popular which also makes it the number hackers.

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Shared Hosting

Game Hosting has grown to become the most popular which also makes it the number among hackers.

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Questions about Server

Contact one of our technical experts now. Our team is available chat and is ready
to answer any questions you may have.

+62 895 1644 7771