Recommended Services
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Murah dan Terjamin
Dedicated Server Murah Indonesia
Sewa Dedicated Server performa maksimal solusi Dedicated Server Indonesia untuk bisnis Anda.
- Pilihan Data Center Tier 3 (Indonesia)
- Full akses dan jaminan keamanan
- Dukungan tim tersertifikasi & aktif 24/7
Harga Dedicated Server
Professional E5-2683v4
Credibly aggregate interactive opportunities via progressive syne Progressively incubate potentialities magnetic products.
- Dual Intel Xeon E5-2683v4
- 56 CPUs 2.1Ghz with 3.6Ghz TURBO
- 256GB DDR4 (Max 512GB)
- 960GB Storage
- 1 Gbit Port Speed
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- IPv4 IP Address
- Windows or Linux
Rp 4.500.000 /mo
Professional E5-2690v4
Credibly aggregate interactive opportunities via progressive syne Progressively incubate potentialities magnetic products.
- Dual Intel Xeon E5-2690v4
- 56 CPUs 2.6Ghz with 3.5Ghz TURBO
- 320GB DDR4 (Max 512GB)
- 2TB Storage
- 1 Gbit Port Speed
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- IPv4 IP Address
- Windows or Linux
Rp 5.000.000 /mo
Enterprise E5-2698v4
Credibly aggregate interactive opportunities via progressive syne Progressively incubate potentialities magnetic products.
- Dual Intel Xeon E5-2698v4
- 80 CPUs 2.2Ghz with 3.6Ghz TURBO
- 320GB DDR4 (756 32GB)
- 2 x 960GB Storage
- 1 Gbit Port Speed
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- IPv4 IP Address
- Windows or Linux
Rp 8.000.000 /mo
Enterprise GPU 2698v4
Credibly aggregate interactive opportunities via progressive syne Progressively incubate potentialities magnetic products.
- Dual Intel Xeon E5-2698v4
- 80 CPUs 2.2Ghz with 3.6Ghz TURBO
- 320GB DDR4 (Max 756GB)
- 2 x 960GB Storage
- 1 Gbit Port Speed
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- IPv4 IP Address
- Windows or Linux
Rp 10.000.000 /mo
- Free Website Migration Service
- Designed for Performance
- Keeping Your Data Safe
Mengapa Memilih Layanan Dedicated Server untuk Website dan Aplikasi?
- Trafik Yang Tinggi
Dedicated Server sangat cocok untuk Website atau aplikasi Anda yang mempunyai trafik atau lalu Lintas yang Tinggi. Hal ini membutuhkan performa yang maksimal dan Keamanan yang Tinggi.
- Situs E-Commerce
- Unlimited Bandwidth
Layanan Dedicated Server di Shezacloud memberikan akses yang sepenuhnya (Full Access) dan Unlimited Transfer Bandwidth yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda.
- Bantuan CS 24/7
Customer Service Shezacloud siap untuk membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan pelayanan yang maksimal guna kepuasan yang akan Anda dapatkan berbeda dengan Web Hosting Provider lainnya.
Dedicated Server Featured?
Efficiently redefine high-quality potentialities rather than innovative ideas. accurate infomediaries with high-payoff technology.
24x7 Pro Support
Efficiently redefine high potentialitie rather than innovative idea acurate infomediaries with technology.
Server Managed Difference
Efficiently redefine high potentialitie rather than innovative idea acurate infomediaries with technology.
Windows or Linux
Efficiently redefine high potentialitie rather than innovative idea acurate infomediaries with technology.
Anti-Virus Protection
Efficiently redefine high potentialitie rather than innovative idea acurate infomediaries with technology.
Lightning-Fast Storage
Efficiently redefine high potentialitie rather than innovative idea acurate infomediaries with technology.
Next-gen Firewalls
Efficiently redefine high potentialitie rather than innovative idea acurate infomediaries with technology.
Web App Security
Efficiently redefine high potentialitie rather than innovative idea acurate infomediaries with technology.
The Managed Difference
Efficiently redefine high potentialitie rather than innovative idea acurate infomediaries with technology.
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Contact one of our friendly technical advisors now. Our team is available 24×7 via live chat and is ready to answer any questions.

Read our customer reviews
We are regularly rated 5 stars by our customers and with over 1000+ reviews on Trustpilot and Facebook, see for yourself why you can trust us to power your website.

Elias M. Jessen
Co-FounderProfessionally transition team driven channels for plug-and-play web services. Dynamically build go forward services with market positioning models. Dynamically architect customer directed ideas via 24/365 convergence.

Johan Frederiksen
Web DeveloperProfessionally transition team driven channels for plug-and-play web services. Dynamically build go forward services with market positioning models. Dynamically architect customer directed ideas via 24/365 convergence.

Michael Thomsen
Software EngineerProfessionally transition team driven channels for plug-and-play web services. Dynamically build go forward services with market positioning models. Dynamically architect customer directed ideas via 24/365 convergence.
Tanya Jawab Dedicated Server
Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan Terkait Dedicated Server
Akses Root pada Server Dedicated kami dapat dengan mudah diminta dan diberikan dalam hitungan detik melalui AMP (Account Management Panel) setelah akun dan server Anda sepenuhnya tersedia. Artikel dukungan kami memberikan petunjuk langkah demi langkah tentang permintaan Akses Root Server Terdedikasi. Jika Anda membutuhakan Bantuan terkait Dedicated Server bisa menghubungi tim Teknis Shezacloud melalui ticket di Client Area.
Layanan Dedicated Server Milik Shezacloud berada di Data Center :
Server, jaringan, dan Pusat Data kami dimonitor oleh admin sistem kami sendiri baik on-site dan jarak jauh 24/7/365 hari setahun. Hal ini menjadi keunggulan tersendiri dimana tim Shezacloud akan standby untuk membantu semua permasalahan anda dibantu langsung oleh tim yang profesional dan tersertifikasi dibidangnya.
Solusi Sempurna Untuk Bisnis Anda